Chapter 1.
It was a cloudy day, the mist was making it even harder to see. "Miss Chamfer, where are you!", an old stumbling voice muttered from below. "I'm in my room Margret", Alice screamed while rushing inside the hallway through the window. "Madam there is a strange man on the door asking for you", Margret said while reaching for the room. "Is he addressing me?", Alice replied while crawling inside the bed. "Yes, upon asking he even described you as a blond woman with light brown eyes." she replied. "Oh Margret, I am tired can you just ask this man what he wants". "Such a lazy fellow, have a little compassion for this old one", Margret mumbled while moving out.
It was cold inside, Alice tucked herself inside the blanket. With the window wide open the white and red saye curtains flew with the breeze, blowing off the lamps. After a while Margret returned with an envelope in her hand "He wanted to deliver this to you", Margret said while placing the yellow paper envelope on the bed rest next to the lamp.
"What is inside it?"
"I haven't looked, its sealed"
It was an old evelope with a seal marked with a strange lion symbol. She flipped it over "For-Miss Alice Ederl Chamfer" was written on it with black ink. "It's a letter" she told while opening the envelope.
"Who is it from dear?", Margret asked impatiently. "Some Leo Vantessle, Do we know any Vantessles?", She asked while rapidly examining the letter. "I can not remember any but I think Mr. Chamfer used to work with someone with a similar name. What the letter says?", Margret asked.
A chill ran down her spine as she said, "It's an invitation.. Invitation to the Ball..". The letter dropped out of her hands.
(To be Continued...)
(To be Continued...)
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