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We Are Your Friends

So as far as my 15 years of experience there aren't many DJ movies in Hollywood. I guess people don't think of it as a noble career. Thank god we are not one of those.
"We are your friends" #WAYF, Casting Zac Efron, Emily Ratajkowski and Wes Bentley. This 2015 movie is going to be reviewed today! Let's get to it.

( Movie available on piratebay ;p )

The things are different for us. You can invent an app, start a blog,sell things online.
My friends and I WE PROMOTE PARTIES"

That's how it begins, Zac and his 3 friends intro. Can you see the vibes out here?

So Zac is a DJ he plays at small parties and socials, waiting for the big break. Well at one of the parties he meets this DJ djing (Wes Bentley). Who in future becomes his mentor. They become great friends and produce amazing music.

Now life is full of twists and turns...Well Zac gets into trouble as he sleeps with his mentor's girlfriend (Emily Rataikowski), yeah he screwed up. He screwed up baaad! which made his relations with his mentor and his gf at stake. And the cherry on top is that the mentor finally hooked up Zac with a golden opportunity to perform in-front of a very large audience.  

The movie is not that much of a drama as it looks. Primary focus is music and the lifestyle of youth who aspire to be somebody. Trust me after watching this movie you would want to be a DJ yourself XD.

" If you have a dream and it's made of everything that's made you, hardship,friendship,so much love. That's your ticket to everything"
- Zac.

I'm crazily in love with this movie. Do watch it with your friends , family or anyone you like or even don't.


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