YOU Netfllix Welcome back Nibbas, wait who am I kidding. You are here for the first time, Alright nothing to be sad about I'll make sure it's not your last. So as any other sad Wednesday I'm here to bring you a binge watchable series of the week and today as the title suggests. It's YOU!, a Netflix original Crime Thriller. The story starts with Joe Goldberg , a bookstore manager AKA Badass Stalker , in New York, who upon meeting Guinevere Beck , an aspiring writer AKA the girl with a broken bed and who likes to change clothes with an open window, which is btw in front of the god damn road! And conveniently makes Joe immediately infatuated with her. To feed his toxic obsession over chicks he can't get because he ain't really that smart (sorry bro), he uses social media and other technology AKA front window to track her presence and remove obstacles to their romance... and he fixes the bed. Well, moreover it's a thrill with an intriguing...
A junk full of entertainment in one blog you won't be able to move from bed before reading it.